In the past, in common with other aviation disciplines, ASRA has issued Airworthiness Directives and Airworthiness Alerts. Discussions in recent times led to a Board decision to dispense with the term “airworthiness” in preference to “safety”.
The main reason for the change is the CASA requirement that a placard be fitted to gyros stating in part that “Neither CASA nor ASRA guarantee the airworthiness of this gyroplane…”. It is inappropriate therefore to issue airworthiness statements if ASRA does not guarantee airworthiness.
Safety Directives and Safety Alerts are now being issued instead, but the reasons for generating such notices remain the same.
Safety Directives will be issued when it has been determined that a critical situation exists that, without corrective action, will seriously prejudice the safety of an operation. A Safety Directive must be complied with by those affected.
Safety Alerts will be issued when a situation has been identified that has the potential to result in reduced safety if the situation is not corrected. Safety Alerts contain highly recommended actions that are not mandatory.
Safety Directives
- SD 2024.01 Sportcopter adjustable pitch heavy duty hub bars
- SD 2020.01 Titanium (TAG) proposed repair scheme for steel-rod rotors
- SD 2019.02 Trendak & Cellier rotor blades
- Polish Airworthiness Directive Nr SP-0004-2019-A
- Trendak rotors service bulletin
- SD 2019.01 Titanium Aircraft Group (TAG) Gyroplanes – All models Superseded by SD 2020.01
- SD 2018.1-1 Titanium Aircraft Group (TAG)
- SD 2018.01 TITANIUM AUTOGYRO (TAG) superseded by SD 2018.1-1 above
- AD 2014.01 Gyroz Gyroplanes
- AD 2010.02 Cables Primary Control Systems
- AD 2009.02 MT Series Gyroplanes
- AD 2009.01 Control Pushrods Rod Ends
- AD 2008.02 Cabin Deformation
- AD 2008.01 Hub Bars (Reviewed 23JAN25)
- Magni and TAG Aviation
- Autogyro rotor system 1
- Autogyro rotor system 2
- ELA bub bars by serial number
- Sportcopter adjustable pitch hub bars
- AD 2007.02 Articulated Push Rod Pivot Arms
- AD 2007.01 Articulated Push Rods
- AD 2004.03 Gyro Tech Rotor Blades - Request access
- AD 2004.02 Rotor Blades
- AD 2004.01 Larkin Hub bars
- AD 2002.02 Exemption holder(Two Place Gyro planes)
- AD 2002.01 Control system
- AD 1998.01 Rotor Blade Warning Humming Bird
- AD 1996.01 Torque Tube and Cross Bar Anti Crush Spacer
Safety Alerts
- SA 2024.01 ELA 07 Cougar brake trim assembly
- SA 2022.02 M16 Park Brake mechanism
- SA 2022.01 ELA 10-Eclipse pre-rotator assembly
- CAA(UK) Autogyro rotor blades 2022-002
- Autogyro Australia rotor blade safety alert 08.02.2022
- SA 2021.03 ELA Eclipse leaking fuel tanks
- SA 2021.02 Magni Airframe Corosion
- SA 2021.01 Magni M24 Gyroplane - loss of passenger door in flight
- SA 2020. 03 - TAG Aviation airframe weld failure
- Autogyro Calidus airframe inspection
- SA 2020.02 Magni Oil Tank Mounting Bracket
- SA 2020.01 DUC Carbon Fibre Propeller Hubs
- DUC propellers windspoon manual
- SA 2019.02 MTO Stoneguard
- SA 2019.01 Jack Allen Rotor Head
- SA 2018.01 TAG Horizontal Stabiliser
- SA 2016.02 MTO & MTO Sport main Undercarriage
- SA 2016.01 ELA Mast Cracking
- SA 2015.02 Gyroplanes Manufactured by Auto Gyro Europe
- SA 2015.01 Goodwin Seat Tanks
- SA 2014.02 Side Slipping
- SA 2014.01 Vertical Descents
- AA 2010.01 Propellers and Exhausts
- AA 2010.03 Autoflight Gearboxes
- AA 2008.02 Foam Type Air Filters
- AA 2008.01 RAF 2000 and Derivatives Control Tube
- AA 2007.01 Spin on Filters
- AA 2006.1 Safety Harness Attachment
- AA 2006.03 Stub Axles Single seat Gyroplanes
- AA 2006.02 Tall Tails
- AA 2005.01 Strut Dowels Gyroscopic Rotorcraft
- SA 2002.01 Hub Bar Failures
- SA 1996.09 AV GAS
- SA 1993.01 Fuel Filters for Petrol Oil Mix
- AA 1992.12 Flight Safety Items Required Before Next Flight
- CAA(UK) Autogyro rotor blades 2022-002
- Autogyro Australia rotor blade safety alert 08.02.2022
- SA 2021.03 ELA Eclipse leaking fuel tanks
- SA 2021.02 Magni Airframe Corosion
- SA 2021.01 Magni M24 Gyroplane - loss of passenger door in flight
- SA 2020. 03 - TAG Aviation airframe weld failure
- Autogyro Calidus airframe inspection
- SA 2020.02 Magni Oil Tank Mounting Bracket
- SA 2020.01 DUC Carbon Fibre Propeller Hubs
- DUC propellers windspoon manual
- SA 2019.02 MTO Stoneguard
- SA 2019.01 Jack Allen Rotor Head
- SA 2018.01 TAG Horizontal Stabiliser
- SA 2016.02 MTO & MTO Sport main Undercarriage
- SA 2016.01 ELA Mast Cracking
- SA 2015.02 Gyroplanes Manufactured by Auto Gyro Europe
- SA 2015.01 Goodwin Seat Tanks
- SA 2014.02 Side Slipping
- SA 2014.01 Vertical Descents
- AA 2010.01 Propellers and Exhausts
- AA 2010.03 Autoflight Gearboxes
- AA 2008.02 Foam Type Air Filters
- AA 2008.01 RAF 2000 and Derivatives Control Tube
- AA 2007.01 Spin on Filters
- AA 2006.1 Safety Harness Attachment
- AA 2006.03 Stub Axles Single seat Gyroplanes
- AA 2006.02 Tall Tails
- AA 2005.01 Strut Dowels Gyroscopic Rotorcraft
- SA 2002.01 Hub Bar Failures
- SA 1996.09 AV GAS
- SA 1993.01 Fuel Filters for Petrol Oil Mix
- AA 1992.12 Flight Safety Items Required Before Next Flight