Australian Sport Rotorcraft Association
ASRA is a national sport and recreational association, representing people with an interest in building and flying gyroplanes.
Under Civil Aviation Safety Authority accreditation, ASRA administers sport gyroplanes through the certification of pilots and the listing of gyroplanes in Australia.

Directives & Alerts
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Learn to Fly Gyro
Learn all you need to know about flying gyros.
What we do
ASRA is concerned with improving standards of safety, pilot training and aircraft. It aims to promote reasonable and responsible practices in a manner accepted as professional to other aviation bodies and the public, while retaining our own identity, reducing costs and minimising restrictions.
Learn about Gyroplanes
‘Gyroplane’ is an official term describing an aircraft that gets lift from a freely turning rotary wing (rotor blades) and which derives its thrust from an engine-driven propeller. Historically, this type of aircraft has been known as the autogyro and the gyrocopter. The early names and variants were filed as trademarks.